Solitary Solidarity
There has been another downpour of rain here, so I whiled away the morning finishing up this piece that I started yesterday. I was almost done with it and then I overworked the white on the thigh and damaged the paper a little. After so many hours of work, I was really aggravated. You cannot really tell unless you look at it closely, but of course, that is all I will think about when I look at it. On top of that, the expression on the face turned out sort of funky looking, but it has been worked enough as it is. Oh well, "bah humbug" is all I’ve got to say.
Both your last pieces look like illustrations for a book of self-written stories – and I´d love to read it … but they tell their stories without words which I like even more. Marion
Cynthia…damaged or not this is wonderful I’d frame it as it is. I love the way your mind works and this piece is a delight!!
Wanda (wme133)