I finished up the ATCs showing the seven characters from The Endless. Whew, it feels good to get that done. I am having trouble scanning them so that they show the details well. I always have that problem with pencil work, so I think I need to research scanning techniques. Surely there are some tricks of the trade.
All together now…
20 Saturday Sep 2008
Posted Uncategorized
What is The Endless?
These are amazing (as always) and decidedly creepy.
Oh good, I am glad they look a little creepy. I think they are supposed to be creepy, from what I’ve read. The Endless are seven characters in a comic series called the Sandman by someone named Neil Gaiman. I had never heard of it before either. I really don’t know much about it except for what I read about it on Wikipedia. The Endless characters are the theme for an ATC swap on http://www.illustratedATCs.com, one of my playgrounds.
Being a fan of the comics for 17 years I can tell that these are really lovely. I like Destiny, Despair and Destruction the best. They really fit in the characterization of the comics. Death is also nice (even if I miss the little eyeliner detail swirl that is her trademark) and Delirium too.
I have the biggest problem with Dream because he doesn’t look that much like he does in the comics.. and in my opinion Desire is too masculine looking.
But I know you aren’t familiar with the comics and all the drawings are really brilliant. 🙂
Thank you for the feedback, it is helpful to hear from someone who is actually familiar with the characters. I debated with myself about adding the characters’ symbols and trademarks, but finally opted for trying to see if I could convey the sense of the characters without them. And actually, I was thinking that Desire was not androgenous enough looking, more so than the Dream character anyway. With Dream, I was going for pale skin, white hair and shadows and lights in the eyes. I was not aware that the character is not very masculine. Good to know!
There is actually two Dream characters in the comics. One is black haired, the other one with white. Yours looks more like the latter one which is also somehow softer than his predecessor anyway. 🙂
The chap top left looks kinda dastardly I must say..;-)
You got that right…
Yes, he does, doesn’t he? What could have been my inspiration, I wonder. 😉