I liked the photo of my grandmother lounging in the sun with my grandfather’s hat perched on her head so I decided to sketch it this morning using some of my ink pens. I regret my initial use of an orange pen to lay in my overall shapes. The scan is less than optimal, but I find that is often the case when I try to scan work that has a lot of line work in it. I am not too keen on the results here, but I do like getting in a little drawing before having to get ready and head off to my totally non-creative job. Asha’s been at daycare for a few days to enjoy the burgeoning spring weather with her canine friends while I toil away filing reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission. I miss her, so I think I will go and get her after work tonight. I am really ready for some time off and days of early morning dog romps, but I don’t know how soon I will be able to work out some time off. Too many things going on. I just might be able to finagle next week off, but the dilmemma is whether I should take a week off now when the forecast is for a week of rain, or wait until the end of May and take two weeks off. Decisions, decisions.
I thiink the scan looks amazing so I’ll bet the original is even more wonderful! Great work!
Well thank you very much!
Wow what a beautiful blog! Thank you for visiting our blog, great to find yours!!
Thank you! I enjoy visiting your blog and reading about life in Turkey, not to mention oogling your gorgeous jewelry!
I loved this when I saw it and even more when I read it is your grandmother not just a random woman. And with your grandfather’s hat.
Enjoy your grandparents, if they are still with you. Today I buried my paternal grandmother…I know she was in my life a long time but that seems to have made it harder to say goodbye!