For the past week I’ve been ill and haven’t gotten any artwork done, but yesterday before work I finally spent a half hour in the studio and did this clayboard ATC. It is based on a portrait of a goth looking girl taken by the Rhino Studio. My rendition is not very faithful to the photo but I console myself with the thought that I was only doing it as an exercise. I have a lot of difficulty in controlling my marks and so compensate by making everything sort of loosely scratched. The more I work with clayboard the more I admire those artists who have really mastered this medium and do such incredible work. This sort of work really feeds into my love of working with light and dark.
Ah, viewing these makes me want to work on clayboard.. To be honest, I’m not sure if I’ve ever really done anything proper on clayboard. I think I should!
Thanks for your comments. The results with clayboard can be really riveting when the artist knows what he or she is doing. Unfortunately, I am no where near being at that point. If you are like me and are used to using a pencil or brush, working with clayboard can be a little frustrating because it seems so much more difficult to control what happens with an exacto knife or other scaping tool. I guess like most mediums, it just takes lots of practice to get to the point where one knows what one is doing. I hope you do try it. Perhaps we can compare our experiences with the medium.
I find how well you’ve captured her hair in the upper right and down the right impressive. The very upper right corner seems — off? — but the crown to the highlight between the cheek and chin seems wonderfully delicate and fine.
Thanks for the feedback. You may be right about the far upper right, which is probably a result of my effort to translate unnaturally colored hair in the photo. Before I added the lines in that section, it looked like there was too much of a void there, but I may have overdone it a bit. You’ve got a good eye.
clayboard ATC
You always amaze me! This card is divine!!! Simply stunning work!