Hooray! I am finally done with the ATCs for the Pick a Theme swap at ATCards.com. I drew or painted 35 cards for this swap. Each card is done in a different theme that was chosen by each of the other participants. Some were great fun to do and others were less than inspiring to me. I ended up being surprised by the ones tnat turned out well and also surprised by the ones that turned out not so hot. I just hope the recipients like them. They may be viewed here: http://pics.livejournal.com/sutospeak/gallery/000408s4. Now, I just need to finish some other commitments and I will be free to do whatever appeals to me art-wise. The challenge of this swap was good for me, but I am glad to be finished.
Done done done!
01 Saturday Jul 2006
Posted Uncategorized
oh wow…I wish I were blessed to trade some of these with you…I love ‘nude’ and the lillies and mother love…wonderful! You work so well with light…it’s fab!
Thank you, whoever you are.
Wow!! you are dynamo!!!
A tired one. 😉
Hi…I’m a member of atcards.com too. What’s your user name there? I’m Gail. I love your drawings. I mostly make collage’s with paint, paper and fabric. I sure wish I could draw. I just put you on my friends list and I hope you do the same.
Hi Gail. My user name at atcards.com is sutopeak. Thanks for your comments. I have done collage work as well as drawing and painting. I had never tried collage before a few months ago and I found it to be quite a lot of fun. How long have you been making ATCs?
I’ve been making atc’s for about 3 years now. They are such a great way to experiment with different techniques in a small form. I’ll look you up at atcards.com.