Asha met foxes for the very first time this morning. We were out for our Sunday morning adventure and went to the southeast end of Lake Shawnee. There is a lovely little stone structure at the point where one can look out over the lake and which is surrounded by trees and grass and water. Asha discovered a threesome of foxes, who were quite beautiful, but rather scary sounding. Asha followed them, but kept a safe distance after hearing how ferocious they could sound. I did not get any good pics of the foxes, but there is one where you can see it in the distance. More photos from the morning’s ramble are below.
Yes, if you’ve got a road nearby, that would be a concern indeed.
I saw one of the foxes as we entered the area, but Asha didn’t notice it. Then, as we were leaving the point area, one ran right in front of me (behind Asha) and there were two others who were running directly in front of Asha. It was like she did not know what to make of them. They were bigger than cats, but they were wild things, so she was cautious about them. She started to chase after them, but got the distinct “I am wild and will do whatever it takes to protect myself” vibe and so she held back. They were so gorgeous, but I did not realize how courageous they are.
Go fox!