When Asha stays at home on my work days, we do two walks a day. The first one usually takes place at around 5 or 6 in the morning and the second one takes place when I get home from work in the evening. Due to it being the time of the year when the daylight hours are few, both our walks are done in the dark. Asha dozes the daylight hours away snug on the couch or bed or stretched out on the carpet somewhere.
The good thing about it being cold outside is that I don’t worry about putting “acceptable” clothing on. It doesn’t matter that what I have on are some old blue and green plaid flannel pj bottoms and a flowery sleep shirt and that the combination makes me look like a Salvation Army reject. I just slip my bare feet into my high top squall boots, pull on my ankle length down coat, slap a warm cap on my uncombed hair, and away we go. No one will ever know…unless of course I get run over or have a heart attack out there somewhere. Then, the fashion police will know. But, at that point, will I care? I think not. So for now, this will just be my little secret.
haha! but now I know and will share with the world!
I also have disreputable dog walk wear. First thing in the morning, I often just jam my socked feet into a pair of flip flops, so that the little toe thong thingy makes it appear I am wearing Japanese socks and sandals. I shuffle out in my jammies and a big coat and hope no one is leaving early for work.
Share my secret with the world at your peril! 😉
Flip flops? Hmmm, can you do any serious treking in flip flops? Chilly tootsies I would think; but, far be it from me to cast aspersions upon another’s dog walking attire. I am just glad to know that there is someone else who feels that dog walking may be done “as is.”
The flip flops are really only for the wake up pee. Woodrow would pull me right out of them on a walk of any substance.
This makes me laugh. I so understand darkness dogwalk attire! I’m so glad to have company.
Yes, we should form a club with and any other dog walk fashion misfits!
Sorry, I had to redo that a couple of times.