I had some source photos to use for one of my PAT theme cards, but ended up using it to do this card instead. It is totally off theme, so I doubt I can use it for the PAT swap. But, I do like the blue on black paper. Again, it is not a good scan. It looks softer in real life.
EDIT: I’ve decided to go ahead and use this card for the PAT swap for the gothic raven king. I am hoping this fellows looks regal enough to fit the theme. Eraserqueen, I hope you like it!
Not in the appropriate theme
02 Wednesday Jan 2008
Posted Uncategorized
Thanks! I hope you don’t depart from LJ altogether, but I do know how you feel about the “shouting down a well” thing.
beautiful card!
core (aka blueness via nervousness.org)
No problem at all – if you canĀ“t use it for the swap you can trade it with me!!! Marion
Thanks Marion. Actually, I am thinking I will try to squeeze it in as the gothic raven king. Raven, yes. Gothic, the coloring probably works for that. King? Well, does he look regal? Can you tell I am pushing a deadline? :-/ If I manage to come up with some others to send in for the swap, I will send him your way, but at this point I think I am going to have to use him.