A raging storm, replete with thunder and a hard rain, is enough to make Asha’s life a frightening experience. Poor baby. My normally independent dog becomes a momma’s girl when it is like this and huddles near me. I sure hope the weather dies down soon, because I must get ready and leave for work before long. I hate leaving Asha when she is scared. She continually moves in front of me trying to keep me from leaving and gives me that “Sophie’s Choice” look that tears my heart in two. I can tell her all I want that it is all going to be okay, that she is safeĀ and that I will be back, but it makes no difference. To her, I am leaving her and abandoning her in her darkest moment of fear.
She has one, complete with dark throws on all sides so it is cave-like, but she doesn’t go there during storms. She’d rather be near me, preferably under the stairs in the basement.
speaking of dogs, I haven’t heard much on the Monk scenario lately, how’s he doing with the feeding ritual?