It is kind of you to say so dear . Of course, there aren’t many current pictures of me uploaded for a reason. Most photos I take of myself these days resemble something you might see in a morgue file. In other words, they are not ones I would care to share. There is also the self-image factor, which and I were discussing vis a vis this self-portrait exercise. I think I am a nice enough person; but, I think I look like sh*t; so, naturally, I accentuate what I see in my art. Between being overweight, being lopsided looking because I have only part of a breast on one side and an arm and hand that are swollen out of all normal proportions due to my lymphedema (a result of the cancer surgery), and the facial puffiness and dark circles that I seem to sport at all times now, I feel like a “thing,” even like a monster at times. As I was telling a co-worker the other day, I am attempting to embrace my monstrosity for my art. Heck, if I can’t exploit myself for art, whom can I exploit?
As for losing his dear cat Bonningham, I am truly sorry. I can’t even think of how I would feel to lose my dog Asha, who has been with me for only 6 and a half years, so I can believe that the loss of his feline friend of 23 years must be a very, very deep sorrow. I hope the gift of the drawing (if you decide to go ahead and give it), will not deepen his sorrow. Please convey my sincerest sympathy if and when you give it to him.
It is kind of you to say so dear. Of course, there aren’t many current pictures of me uploaded for a reason. Most photos I take of myself these days resemble something you might see in a morgue file. In other words, they are not ones I would care to share. There is also the self-image factor, which and I were discussing vis a vis this self-portrait exercise. I think I am a nice enough person; but, I think I look like sh*t; so, naturally, I accentuate what I see in my art. Between being overweight, being lopsided looking because I have only part of a breast on one side and an arm and hand that are swollen out of all normal proportions due to my lymphedema (a result of the cancer surgery), and the facial puffiness and dark circles that I seem to sport at all times now, I feel like a “thing,” even like a monster at times. As I was telling a co-worker the other day, I am attempting to embrace my monstrosity for my art. Heck, if I can’t exploit myself for art, whom can I exploit?
As for losing his dear cat Bonningham, I am truly sorry. I can’t even think of how I would feel to lose my dog Asha, who has been with me for only 6 and a half years, so I can believe that the loss of his feline friend of 23 years must be a very, very deep sorrow. I hope the gift of the drawing (if you decide to go ahead and give it), will not deepen his sorrow. Please convey my sincerest sympathy if and when you give it to him.