Now that I have fulfilled most of my swap commitments and finished my taxes (yay!), I finally feel like I can start working on some of the art projects that have been rattling around in my brain. I’ve been wanting to explore working on clayboard more and so I grabbed an ATC sized piece of clayboard and looked around for something to use as a reference source. Sitting on my desk was a Polish postage stamp of Stanislaw Szober someone had sent me. It had good areas of light and dark so off I went. Mostly, this piece was just about exploring how different utensils cut into the clayboard and how much control I have (or in this case, don’t have). I used a metal piercing tool and an exacto knife to cut into the clayboard to expose the white clay. These two tools were surprisingly different in how they felt to hold and use and also in the sorts of results they produced. My lines are not controlled, not like I see in some of the marvelous clayboard work around. I am simply amazed with what some artists can do with this medium. It has so much potential, but I will need to work hard to ever reach that potential. But, since I stocked up on clayboard supplies over the course of the last year or two, I should be able to work on my clayboard technqiue for some time to come.
clayboard? must find some!
It is also called scratchboard. Here is a link:
It is loads of fun.
Can´t wait to see your next efforts on clayboard! I like what you´ve done here. Marion
Thanks Marion!