Last Sunday’s early morning romp with Asha was at Gage Park. It was a beautiful morning. More pictures may be seen here.
Sunday’s dogwalk
02 Wednesday May 2007
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in02 Wednesday May 2007
Posted Uncategorized
inLast Sunday’s early morning romp with Asha was at Gage Park. It was a beautiful morning. More pictures may be seen here.
going postal
Hi Cynthia,
Haven’t heard from you in awhile and my mail service has been screwy lately so I thought I’d drop you a line here in case you’ve been trying to contact me. Nice photo by the way; looks like a postcard. Water is never that still in Kansas.
-Bub & >^_^<
I talked with you this morning about your foundling. The kitty is not mine, unforturnately.
I believe I met your cat two weeks ago. A woman out walking found your cat and brought it to my house one evening. She knew I was looking for my cat. She said the cat was very friendly and followed her for quite a while. After leaving my house, she was going to put the cat back where she found it. She wasn’t sure if the cat was lost or not. She lives on Broadmoor. Sounds like this kitty has been wandering for awhile.
I’m have a hunch she would like living at your house. Asha might enjoy having a roommate.
Thanks for you help. Sue