For many years now there is a movement of sorts here in Kansas called the “Rails to Trails” initiative. The idea is to take abandoned railroad pathways and convert them into nature trails where people can walk, bicycle and ride horses. In the newspaper last week, I saw that a new section had opened up near Topeka called “The Landon Trail,” so I decided to take Asha out at first light yesterday morning and check it out. During the work week, Asha and I do two walks a day, once at around 6 am before it is light and another when I get home from work. Because it is usually dark out and I also don’t have as much time, we confine these walks to our own neighborhood during the week. Although the neigborhood we live in is a very pleasant walking neighborhood, a full week of twice daily walks in it do get a bit boring. On the weekends, I like to take Asha to some off the beaten track where I can let her off leash and she can run, zoom and explore the environs.
Our trek yesterday morning was fun, although parts of it were still pretty icy, which made for some slipping and unsteady walking. The coolest part of it was that a very large number of what I think were geese were holding some sort of convention in a field next to the trail. We stood for a long time and watched as more and more geese came from afar, drifted and soared, circling the field and then slowly descended onto the field, completely still until they were a few feet above the ground when they would slightly flap their wings to slow themselves into a very easy landing. How graceful their flights were and how wonderful it was to see this from so close a perspective. As one group circled directly over our heads, I could hear the the sound of their wings. It was such a treat and I was so very glad we were there.
More pictures may be seen here. I love my weekend treks with Asha.
Landon Trail
An emblematic study of winter in Kansas. Love the silvery snow and the present but not visible geese. Do you suppose there’s a pheasant or two nearby as well?
Re: Landon Trail
Hi Bub, thanks for stopping by. If you follow the link below the blog shot and look at the other photos I posted, you will see one picture of the field that has some of the geese in it (you might have to look at the photo full size). And, not being all that knowledgeable about birds, I am not completely sure they were geese (but I really think they were). There could very possibly be pheasant around as well. It did seem pretty full of wildlife, which is always cool.
Re: Landon Trail
Those are nice photos too. The enlarge option isn’t enlarging though. When clicking on “Full Size” it opens the photo in a new window but the same size.
Re: Landon Trail
Those are nice photos too. The enlarge option isn’t enlarging though. When clicking on “Full Size” it opens the photo in a new window but the same size.
Re: Landon Trail
Sorry, I guess I sized it down before uploading it to the website. I will send you the full size photo via email.
I know that there are three major flyways in the US. Is Topeka on one of them? There’s one here in CA, one East, and one in the “middle”. Maybe that’s you. How cool. I love the sound of geese honking as they fly over. I always run to the window or out the door to see them and count them, for some reason.
I wasn’t aware of these flyways but I looked it up and yes, Kansas is in the central flyway. It looks like there are actually four of them.
Dreaming of geese
To dream of gease predicts travel in the near future.
Thanks for looking up the flyways. I recalled three out of four of them, kind of like my life– I get about 3/4 of it right!