Here is a picture I snapped of Asha today as she snoozed in the sun streaming in through our front door. Poor baby has a badly broken tooth and is scheduled for surgery next Thursday to have it removed. In the meantime, she is on antibiotics, pain pills and antihistimines for her allergies. I need to pick up some Ambesol to put on that tooth as well. Asha, chillin in the drugged zone.
Oh no! What happened to her tooth? *kisses* Feel better nice dog.
I will let Asha know you have sent her kisses.
I have no idea how she broke the tooth, but according to our vet, it is very common, especially with older dogs. The bad thing is that I think she may have been this way for a couple of weeks because she hasn’t been willing to eat unless I hand feed her soft food for about that long. Duh, I sure was being stupid not to know that it meant something was wrong with her physically. I had no idea why she was being so finicky, I just thought she was being the uber princess, but I went along with it because I am…well…a slave to love.
It was actually a friend who noticed something amiss with her tooth this morning and brought it to my attention. I immediately took Asha in to see the vet. Our vet doesn’t do this kind of surgery and I thought I was going to have to take her to Kansas City an hour away, but I discovered an in-town veterinary hospital that does dental surgery. I grilled the surgeon for a half hour on the phone today and it sounds like he knows what he is doing. Anyway, I hope Asha will forgive me for taking so long to figure out what was going on!
Hope she´s feeling better soon! Lucky Asha to have a dogmom like you … Marion