Last night as Asha and I were upstairs in bed, I saw a truck drive slowly down our street and the driver was calling out some name, the way one calls a pet. I assumed the person was looking for a lost dog. As the truck passed my house, I saw a creature run out to the street towards the truck and then sit and look after it as it drove away. I went downstairs and opened the front door. Sitting in front of my door was a little cat. I went outside and snuggled it for a while, hoping the person would drive down our street again, but the person did not come back. The rain was pouring down and so, there was nothing to do but bring the cat in and make it comfortable. She isn’t very excited about meeting a big dog and has been hanging out down in the basement. I must say that Asha has been great and has been very polite about not rushing up to the cat and scaring it even more when I have brought it upstairs. I am now leaving the door to the basement open in case the cat wants to come upstairs figuring that she will do so when she is comfortable; but, so far, she seems content to sleep and relax on a table where I have my clean bed linens and throws stacked. She seems pretty healthy and not too thin, but she hasn’t eaten any of the cat food I put down for her. She does not have a collar, but my sister (who has several cats) says many people don’t put collars on their cats.
I have placed fliers in the surrounding blocks hoping that she has an owner who is looking for her and I called the humane society and the nearby pet’s office in case someone calls in looking for her. If no one comes looking for her, I will try to find her a cat person’s home to go to; but, failing that, I may have just added a new member to my family. A cat really isn’t in my life plan, but sometimes one just has to suck it up and do what one feels is the right thing. Leaving this poor little thing out in the rain was not an option, and turning it over to the humane shelter is not one either, because it is a kill shelter. There is a local cat adoption/rescue organization around that I may call, but I’d be willing to bet that it is full to the brim. So, I will try to find an alternate situation for the cat; but, unless it is a safe place where the cat is wanted, I guess it will remain here. She is sweet, loves to be stroked, petted and held, but bites a little (not in a mean-spirited way though, just kind of playfully).
If there are any cat people out there who are experienced in how to help a cat overcome a fear of dogs, any advice would be appreciated.
*edit* Well, my sister and her boyfriend stopped by and my she is a he. Duh. Sometimes, these things are hard to find.
I do hope the original owner does call on you — but what a lovely kitty.
Growing up the cats and dogs just got used to one another… i hope that works out if she stays on with you.
Lolling on clean laundry is such the perfect cat place!
Yes, she seems to have found her spot and she really is a lovely little girl. Everytime I’ve gone to look for her, she is in the same place among the linens.
I went and got a different cat food to try. Hopefully she will eat something soon.
You know Cynthia you are a conspicuously stand up citizen especially when an animal’s welfare is at issue. I enjoyed reading this little account. I don’t think Tabby is young though. He’s mature and more than half way through at that IMO. Best of luck with solving this little dilemma. The rain is interesting in causing little dramas like this. Think what life in Seattle must be like.
Cat and Dog
A Vet can give you an estimate age of the cat. It will take a while, don’t be surprised if it takes a year or more, but the two should eventually get along just fine. Right now the cat is in an unfamiliar place, so the linens has become his “safe zone”. Had you put the cat in the bathroom, the bathtub or shower would have become the “safe zone”. Don’t force the union between the two.
As for the cat not eating–if he will not eat tuna fish, take him to a Vet, he may have a medical problem that needs attention, such as he might have been abused–kicked, etc in the stomach–I know that is hard, but it happens.