
This is a portrait I did of a friend’s dog as a thank you gift.

“Rosie” – 8×10 inches – Gouache, watercolor and watercolor pencil on clayboard

Nadu Pose


I did a drawing at a friend’s request of a position that would reflect ownership. I chose to do a drawing of a woman in the Nadu Pose.

“Nadu Pose” 5×7 inches – Colored pencils and charcoal on black drawing paper

Just can’t stop…

…buying art. Here is a piece I just purchased from the Nahcotta online gallery. It is a piece by Juliet Schreckinger.

“Stars Above I” 7×5 inches – Ink and graphite on paper

Merry Xmas to Me

I am very excited to have just purchased two pieces by the artist David Álvarez. I can’t wait to see them in person!

“The Collector” 6.2×9.4 inches – Charcoal on Cranson Paper
“Chess Story 12”  7.6 x9.8 inches – Charcoal on Cranson Paper

New Series

I have started working on a possible new series involving the study of light on body parts. This is my first endeavor. I may continue or I may move on to something else.

“Blinds #1” 8×10 inches – Graphite on Claybord

Final Piece Finished

“Annie” 5×7 inches done in watercolor and gouache and scratched on claybord

I finally finished the last piece for a trade with a friend. It has only taken me more than a year and a half to complete the three pieces.

Trade Piece

I finally finished the second piece for trade with an art friend based on the tarot theme. This one is more of a play on the theme.


I just finished this piece for a trade with an art friend. I am not very happy with it. She wanted to do a tarot-based trade, so this is my attempt at the Hermit. Most tarot cards I’ve seen are pretty interesting looking, but this one is not. If nothing else, I am getting more practice in.

Bedhead #6

Here is another in my bedhead series.

“Bedhead #6” 8×10 inches ~ Watercolor & Gouache on Claybord

Bedhead #5

Here is the latest in my bedhead portraits. I had fun with this one despite some problematic areas.

“Bedhead #5” 8×10 inches ~ Watercolor on Aquabord

Version 2 of Scratchbord Portrait

I finished the second version of my scratchbord portrait but, even though I did a second version because I was displeased with the first, I am pretty sure I like the first version better. Oh well, it is good to keep trying to improve my technique even if I am not always successful at it.

“Bedhead #4 v.2” 5×7 inches ~ Scratchbord

Scratchbord Portrait

Here is a portrait I did on scratchbord. I think I overworked it a bit but it is good to work on honing my scratchbord skills. Scratchbord is a panel coated with white clay and then covered in india ink. You draw by scratching away the ink to reveal the white clay below. It is an interesting process, but I have a long way to go before I will get my scratching technique to a place where I feel good about it.

“Bedhead #4” 5×7 inches ~ Scratchbord

Bedhead #3

This is the third piece in my bedhead series.

“Bedhead #3” 8×10 inches ~ Graphite on Claybord

Bedhead #1

I am contemplating doing a series of bedhead portraits, if only to amuse myself. This one is done in graphite on clayboard.

“Bedhead #1” 8×10 inches ~ Graphite on Claybord

2020 Acquisitions from Tugboat Printshop

I acquired a few new pieces over the course of this year from artist Valerie Lueth who founded and owns the Tugboat Printshop. I always enjoy the pictures Valerie puts on her site of the process that goes into making her prints. It looks to be a very painstaking process carving each color’s wood block, and I have always admired the mental process that must be required to deconstruct the image to create the various blocks of wood that go into the print. I am very happy to have nine pieces from the Tugboat Printshop in my collection and my brother was the recipient of another piece.


And I was even sent this freebie as a thank you!


Xmas Gifts to Myself

I scored these cool pieces of art at Enormous Tiny Art today.

“Corinthian Order: Heart”
by Song Kang
“There’s a Spider Near My Water Bowl”
by Marcia Hermann

“Diamondback Terrapin”
by Matt Patterson

Merry Xmas to me! Now, I will have to figure out where on earth I will put them!

Thoroughly chuffed

I have acquired a few pieces of art over the past few months that I am delighted to add to my collection. I have been following the online exhibitions of the Enormous Tiny Art and Circus Posterus gallery sites for a few years now. I was able to snag some art from three artists whose work I really like. My acquisitions are shown below.

MOTHER OF PEARLS by Kelly Denato acquired via the Circus Posterus site.

PRAIRIE CHASE by Zoe Tilley Poster
acquired via the Enormous Tiny Art site.

BELONG #3 by Christine Kaiser acquired via the Enormous Tiny Art site.

Now, I just need to figure out how to add more wall space to my home.


This is a piece I did today. I wanted to try out graphite on clay board, so I just did one of my “stream of consciousness” drawings.


I had fun recently translating a small part of a collage I made into a drawing. Shown below is the drawing and the collage. The inspiration for the drawing is in the lower right of the collage.

Friend of a Friend

I have finally made it back into the studio. It feels good. This is a quasi-commissioned (made for free) portrait I finished today for a good friend who wanted to give it to another friend. I made it on clayboard using a combination of scratching and watercolor.


It has been a while

So, it has been a long while since I posted anything to my blog. I am finally starting to get back into the studio and I have been fiddling around with a few old sketches just to get back into the swing of drawing. Here is something that I sketched back in 2012 and finally sat down to finish. I am not thrilled with where I landed with it, but it was  a good first exercise. It is around 6 x 9 inches in size and it is done in water-based markers, colored pencils and ink. I am calling it “Stretch.”


Gage Park

This is something I did today. It was done in watercolor and ink on watercolor paper and is 8×10 inches in size.


I did this self portrait today. I have not been drawing much lately so I am feeling a bit rusty and raw.


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